Enhance your
personal style

Stylebuddy is here to support your styling and shopping needs. Find outfits that match your style, get outfit pairing ideas & try on outfits virtually.

AI Shopping Assistant

Get better and more effective shopping
recommendations that match your personal style .

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( 2 free Recommendations )

Combining AI with 1000+ Fashion Stylists

Style Expert
A Virtual Assistant which gives you insights & actions on what to wear & how to express your style
Outfit Gallery
Digitize your wardrobe & what you wear & let us help you style more effectively
Outfit Analysis
Get your outfit analyzed along with your body type and skin tone, and receive personalized recommendations.
Personalized Experience
It's like having a personal stylist at your disposal, combining Human Expertise and AI
Human + AI
We are not just AI. Our models work on 5 Million + data points.
Save Time
No more endless scrolling through fashion websites or spending hours in stores.
Built on credible experience from 3000+ stylists.
Shop smart to look
more smart

Democratizing style, fashion & smart shopping for everyone!

Personalizing fashion for you

Quickly decide what to wear today

No more need for you to worry about what you wear based on the occasion. Treat it like your Style Assistant, get insights & ideas from StyleExpert in less than 5 mins.

Save money to shop better and Smarter

Browsing through e-commerce websites endlessly but not sure what suits your body or style? Simply use the outfit analyzer & get insights on what best suits you.

Build your Identity & Persona

How you look & present matters a lot. Through styling insights, we help & allow everyone to build a stronger identity & to understanding their style better.

What do our users say?

" Stylebuddy.Ai has surely changed my mindset about my style & how i present myself out there. "


Priti Gupta

Fashion Stylists

" I spent too much time shopping random things until I used stylebuddy to save money "


Shubham Arora


" Since using the tool, I wonder & think about my personality & style way more. "




" The tool really helped me to get way better outfits than what I used to buy before. "





Start using Stylebuddy.Ai today for Free